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My Transformation Journey

Pull up a virtual chair – it's storytime. I'm about to spill the details of my rollercoaster ride from 110kg to a much lighter and livelier me at 88kg.

Once Upon a Time:

Growing up, I was a healthy, heavy guy. Sure, there were fleeting moments of a leaner me, like in college, due to the kind of lifestyle college entails. But the work-life hustle, fueled by junk food, took me from 90kg to 110kg in just two years. I vividly remember struggling with a flight of stairs – that's when I hit the brakes.


The Turning Point:

The epiphany struck: a healthy life isn't just about weight loss; it's a lifestyle. I didn't want to picture myself as an old man struggling to move around. I wanted the vitality of those fit actors in their 50s and the early morning walks of my grandparents.

Basic Beginnings:

I started simply – cutting down on my intake. In a few weeks, 2 kgs vanished, and the bloating eased. Encouraged, I decided to push myself further using a financial shock – a 6-month gym subscription and a gym bag purchase. Wild, but it worked.

Early Morning Discipline:

The real challenge? Waking up early. I could have exercised in the evenings or at night, but that didn't work for me. Earlier since the COVID-19 pandemic, I was a certified night owl, but I had to reset my sleep cycle through sheer will. Waking up at 6 AM became a habit, teaching me that the initial struggle is just that – initial.

Sore Muscles, Strong Mind:

The gym brought muscle pain that lingered for a month. But I pushed through, realizing it was just my muscles waking up to a new reality. The pain faded, and I became a gym regular. It takes some time, but after a while, it just becomes a part of you, not working out some day feels like getting out of the house without a shower.

Myth Busting:

Let's debunk a couple of myths:

The gym won't make you bulky, and you won't balloon after quitting. It's about what you eat against what you burn. Going to the gym is not necessary. Even without the gym, 6000-10000 steps and light Yoga can be golden.

Learn more about working out and…

Being Active!

Diet Dilemma: